

Object Class:


Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-65535 and subsequent Documents are to be containted in the SCP-65535 Archive. Reading permissions are granted by Dr. S. The Documents have to be read the first time by D-Personel. Reading is only Permitted in the reading room of the SCP-65535 Archives. All Personel has to stay away at least 42m from the SCP. Two Guards have to stand watch 24/7. Every attempt of unauthorised reading is to be prevented and is cause for termination.


Sheet of Paper (210 mm × 297 mm) containing the description of SCP-65535.


As Stated, the Reading of SCP-65535 is only permitted in the Reading room. Whe SCP-65535 was discovered, the whole SCP-65535 Archive facilitys came into existence around the Reader.

A Later reading of one of the documents contained in the Archive confirmed that all SCPs in the Archive are Self fullfilling. Once read, they happen.

Since we can not determin the content of a file without reading it, The Foundation has no way of knowing if the SCP to be read is Save, Euklid, Keter or worse.

All documents seem to want to be read. If a Person comes near it, the curiosity of what an SCP contains, becomes unbearable. This effect seem to cease after 23m.